The hospital should provide everything you really need, but bringing along few extra items will make your stay and trip home a lot more comfortable.
P.S Don't forget your mask:)
- Cozy socks with grips
The last thing you want to do when recovering is take a spill on a cold hospital floor. Grippy socks will help you feel warm & safe while you're getting around. - Drain Support Garment
See page 17 for our top recommendations - Entertainment
Book, iPad, Sudoko, Knitting, whatever you like! - Dry Shampoo
After many procedures, your surgeon will explicitly forbid showering, so having dry shampoo can help you freshen up, and feel confident. - Face/Body Wipes
Great for freshening up when you don't want to leave bed - Toiletry kit
If you are particular about which items you use, sticking to your routine can go a long way when it comes to feeling better.)
- Buy twist off pill containers Your pectoral muscles will be sore and eliminating "push & twist" motion makes things easier
- Move snacks and dishes to lower cabinets so you don't have to reach up to get the things you need. In the weeks leading up to your mastectomy, try to take into account the things you do throughout the day that require you to reach up, lift things, or apply pressure near your chest area. These are actions you'll want to try to find solutions for before the big day.
- Get a neck pillow that allows you to sleep comfortably on your back while you recover. t may be several weeks/months before you're comfortable sleeping on your stomach again
- Schedule a Hair Wash at a local salon for a date following your surgery. You may not be able to shower or reach up to wash your hair for a period of time following the surgery
- Keep Headbands and Hats on hand to help hide messy hair between washes, or keep your head warm if you've lost your hair from previous treatments
- Find some spray deodorant (if your doctor allows it) so you don't have to apply pressure to sensitive areas post-operation
- Invite friends and family to stop by and visit. You'll be stuck at home for at least a few days and company makes the time more enjoyable
- Stock up on Stool Softeners to help combat constipation if your doctor allows. Pain medication has a tendency to cause constipation with extended use
- Stock up quick healthy options for meals and snacks or arrange for a meal delivery service (or your best friend!) to bring you healthy, nutritious meal options until you're back on your feet.
We wish you the best of luck during your procedure and recovery.
While we can't promise every recovery will be a total walk in the park, we do know that a few simple preparations can help make the process a lot more seamless and comfortable! Whether you're looking for items for yourself, or post surgery gift ideas for a loved one, here are some of our must-haves for a comfortable recovery.
When you’re healing, sleep is exceptionally important but getting comfortable after a major surgery can be challenging! It's likely that you'll have areas where you won't be able to lay for a short time so having a comfortable pillow solution can help you find a few sleeping positions that you can take advantage of. Your body, and your sleep cycle, will thank you.
Comfortable and functional clothing that you feel great in is crucial for feeling like yourself. We recommend comfortable recovery robes with thoughtful features like 3/4 length sleeves for easy arm and vein access (perfect for follow-up appointments), JP drain pockets, and soft, luxurious fabrics you look and feel great in.
They say that laughter is the best medicine, and for good reason! Because you'll likely have a little down time at home while you recover, stock up on book and movie options, and schedule a regular stream of friends and family to come visit to lift your spirits. Having things to laugh at, and people to laugh with, will make a world of difference in your mood during recovery.
The last thing you're going to want to do after surgery is cook for yourself. And depending on the type of procedure you've had it might not even be a possibility for you! Fueling your body properly while you recover helps with energy levels and gives your body the nutrients it needs to heal properly. Make sure to stock up quick healthy options for meals and snacks, or arrange for a meal delivery service (or your best friend!) to bring you healthy, nutritious meal options until you're back on your feet.